Dr Greg Anderson has been performing vasectomies since 1993 and has now provided over 11,000 procedures. He is happy to discuss vasectomy with anyone who wants a highly effective, permanent method of contraception.
Vasectomy is a simple procedure that usually takes less than 20 minutes. Vasectomy should not be stressful and does not require a general anesthetic, with the patient able to talk comfortably throughout the vasectomy. Dr Anderson is the only person present during the vasectomy but with nursing staff available if anything is needed. Dr Anderson performs what is referred to as No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) using the Li method – See FAQ.
The patient may go home almost immediately after the vasectomy and can usually drive himself, although many elect to have their partner or a friend drive for them. But there is usually no real need to disrupt your partner or family for transport reasons. Partners are very welcome to attend the consultation as are children.
Bookings for vasectomy can be taken directly and a referral from your doctor is not necessary. However, many doctors also refer their patients for the procedure. Communication by letter is always made with the patient’s general practitioner after the vasectomy is completed.
A consultation will always be required for discussion and an explanation of the vasectomy as well as examination and the provision of a consent form. A booking for both the initial consultation and the vasectomy itself can be made with the one call. The majority of men have the consultation and the vasectomy at the same time for their own convenience. This is particularly helpful for those men who have travelled some distance. But no one should feel obligated to proceed with the vasectomy if any doubt is raised during the initial discussion although this would be most uncommon – most men are quite sure of their need for vasectomy well beforehand.
Both the initial consultation and the vasectomy attract Medicare rebates.
A vasectomy does not give instant fertility control as there are still active sperm that need to be disposed of through ejaculation and the passage of time. To fulfil Australian requirements, a semen analysis is arranged at about 3- 4 months AND at least 20 ejaculations after the vasectomy to ensure that sperm are absent before the previous contraceptive measures are terminated. Instructions for this check will be arranged at the time of vasectomy and there is no need for a further consultation – just a phone call to check the result one day after the specimen is submitted. But usually, Dr Anderson will have messaged you with the outcome before you ring.
Patients are encouraged to contact Dr Anderson should they have any concerns following the vasectomy and he will be happy to speak with them or arrange a review if necessary.
Dr Anderson offers the procedure on any day Tuesday to Friday.
Dr Greg Anderson has been providing general practice services in Mudgeeraba since 1986 and continues to do so. He has been performing vasectomies at his surgery since 1993. He commenced this service in order to alleviate the financial burden of patients having the procedure performed in private day theatres.
He graduated in medicine from the University of Queensland in 1978 then worked for 7 years in various hospitals and practices throughout Brisbane, South-East and Central Queensland as well as Northern New South Wales. In 1986 he established Mudgeeraba General Practice – originally called Mudgeeraba Family Practice until it relocated to the present purpose built site at “Bell Place” in 1995.
Dr Anderson completed his exams for the Diploma of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1983 and completed his exams for the Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 1987. He has been an examiner with the College during his time in general practice. He and his colleagues at the practice have also been involved in the teaching of students from various university medical schools.
He has been a member of the AMA since before graduating and was the president of the Gold Coast branch of the AMA in 1997.